That Was The Week That Was #8

It’s been a week of highs and lows this week, but overall it’s been a good one. I reached 100 followers on this blog (yay, and thank you!), had a lovely date night with the boy, and had some great news at work. We also went to see The Wolf Of Wall Street – this film is freaking awesome – if you only see one film this month, see this one.
My Sunday TWTWTW feature seems to get the most ‘likes’ of all of my posts and your comments tell me you’re enjoying it, so here are some more photos from this week.

My first attempt at meringues from the Meringue Girls cookbook – Blog post coming soon!


Is there anything more decadent or luxurious than truffle oil?


Can’t… Resist… Allsorts…


Horsey kisses – love this special boy xmwahx


Homemade healthy apple loaf cake


Mini Oliver Bonas haul – possibly my favourite shop ever!


Gourmet Burger Kitchen noms


Homemade Mexican Salad. It’ll blow your socks off!


Lola hearts sweeties


10 thoughts on “That Was The Week That Was #8

      • They look so difficult to make. I’ve tried making meringues just once as I wanted to make pavlova. After a disastrous effect, I’ve found to hard to go back to try again. 😦

      • Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much from these and they turned out brilliantly. I’ll get round to posting the recipe ASAP (I seem to be in a situation where I have loads of bakes but need to write the posts for them!). Follow the recipe when I do and let me know how you get on x

      • Wonderful! Looking forward to it. This time I’ll get drunk and try to get over my fear of trying to make meringues. 😛

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